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What Happens When Your Water Filtration System Stops Working?

whole-house water filtration system

A whole-house water filtration system is a crucial component in every household to ensure the safety and quality of our water supply. This system can remove impurities and other potential contaminants, making our water safe for drinking and other household uses.

However, just like any other household appliance, water filtration systems may experience problems that may cause them to stop working. When your water filtration system fails, it can result in unpleasant-tasting or unclean water, and it’s important to address the issue promptly.

In this blog, we will discuss some of the common issues that may cause your water filtration system to stop working and what you can do to troubleshoot them.

Understand Your Water Filtration System: Components and Functions

To understand the problems that can arise with your water filtration system, it’s important to know its components and functions.

A typical water filtration system includes a bypass valve, resin tank, salt tank, and control unit. Water flows through the system, and the resin tank removes minerals that cause hard water.

The control unit initiates the regeneration process, which involves flushing out the resin tank with salt water to remove trapped minerals. If any of these components malfunction, your water filtration system may not work effectively.

Common Water Filtration System Problems: Symptoms and Causes

Water filtration systems are designed to remove contaminants and improve water quality. However, problems can arise that affect the performance of the system. Common issues include excess water in the brine tank, stuck float valves, damaged rubber gaskets, and motor failures.

If you notice an unpleasant taste, soapy water, or a salty aftertaste, it may indicate a problem with your water filtration system. Causes of these issues can range from incorrect settings to a lack of maintenance or a broken component.

Importance of Regular Maintenance for Water Filtration Systems

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your water filtration system in good working order. Components such as the resin tank, filter, and carbon filters need to be cleaned or replaced periodically. Failure to perform maintenance can lead to poor water quality, damaged components, and the need for costly repairs.

A professional water specialist can perform regular maintenance on your system and detect any issues before they become major problems. Additionally, homeowners can perform routine tasks like checking the water level in the brine tank or initiating a manual regeneration cycle to keep the system functioning properly.

When to Seek Professional Help for Your Water Filtration System

When it comes to your water filtration system, there are some issues that can be easily fixed with basic troubleshooting, such as replacing filters or checking for leaks. However, there are times when professional help is necessary.

For example, if your system is leaking water, producing a foul smell or taste, or not functioning properly despite basic troubleshooting efforts, it may be time to call in a professional.

Moreover, if you are unsure of how to perform maintenance tasks or if your system requires more complex repairs, seeking professional help is always the safest option.

Remember, investing in professional assistance can save you time and money in the long run by preventing costly damage to your system or potential health hazards from contaminated water.

Only Choose a High-Quality Whole House Water Filtration System from Puragain Water

When it comes to ensuring the safety and quality of your water supply, choosing a high-quality water filtration system is crucial.

At Puragain Water, we offer a range of whole-house water filtration systems that are designed to meet your specific needs and provide clean, healthy water for you and your family.

Don’t wait until your water filtration system stops working to take action. Choose Puragain Water for peace of mind and the highest quality water filtration systems available.

To learn more about our products and how we can help you maintain a reliable and effective whole-house water filtration system in your home, contact us at 855-40-WATER at